The Dynamics of Ethnic Conflict: The Influence of Cultural Attribute Borrowing in Multicultural Societies


The use of borrowed costumes from other ethnicities (Photo ist.).

Damariotimes. Multicultural societies are environments rich in cultural, ethnic, and traditional diversity. In this context, interactions among ethnic groups often involve the borrowing of cultural attributes, such as language, clothing, food, and rituals. This borrowing process, while capable of enriching social and cultural experiences, often triggers serious ethnic conflicts. This article will discuss how the borrowing of cultural attributes can provoke tensions among groups and its impact on social relationships within diverse communities.

Cultural attribute borrowing refers to the process by which individuals or groups from one culture adopt elements from another culture. This can take various forms, ranging from the use of words or phrases from another language in everyday conversation to adopting distinctive clothing styles from other cultures. Additionally, this borrowing can be seen in the habits of consuming or presenting food originating from other cultures, as well as participating in or celebrating specific traditions that do not originate from one's own culture. In many multicultural societies, certain cultural elements are adopted and integrated into daily life, creating dynamic interactions among various groups.

However, the borrowing of cultural attributes does not always proceed smoothly. One of the negative impacts that often arises is perception and stigma. When one group adopts cultural elements from another group, it can be perceived as a form of appropriation or cultural theft. For instance, if certain cultural elements are adopted without a deep understanding or respect for their original context, the group that feels "plagiarized" may experience dissatisfaction and anger. This dissatisfaction often stems from a sense of loss of identity and appreciation for their cultural heritage.

Furthermore, the borrowing of cultural attributes can threaten the identity of specific groups. When elements of culture that are considered sacred or distinctive are adopted by another group, it can lead to feelings of loss and exclusion. Groups that feel their identity is threatened may respond by closing themselves off or even taking defensive actions that can lead to conflict. In this context, the borrowing of cultural attributes becomes not only a cultural issue but also a profound issue of identity.

In addition, cultural attribute borrowing can create social injustices. When certain cultural elements are adopted by dominant groups and marketed commercially, while the original groups remain marginalized, it can generate feelings of dissatisfaction and injustice among those who feel their culture is being exploited without receiving appropriate recognition or compensation. This injustice can exacerbate existing tensions and create deeper divides between different groups.

The impact of tensions arising from cultural attribute borrowing is significant for intergroup relationships. When one group feels threatened or unappreciated, it can trigger larger conflicts. These tensions often result in negative stereotypes, discrimination, and even violence between groups. In such situations, cultural attribute borrowing, which should serve as a bridge for mutual understanding, instead functions as a catalyst for division.

Polarization within society can also occur as a result of insensitive cultural attribute borrowing. Groups that feel threatened may form stronger and more exclusive identities, which in turn can deepen divisions. This polarization hinders dialogue and collaboration among groups, thereby reducing the potential for creating a harmonious society. In this context, cultural attribute borrowing that is not balanced with respect and understanding can worsen an already complex situation.

On the other hand, cultural attribute borrowing can also open opportunities for dialogue and understanding. When done sensitively and with respect for cultural contexts, this borrowing can serve as a bridge to build better relationships among groups. For example, collaboration in arts, music, or cultural events can create spaces for mutual appreciation and understanding of differences. In this regard, cultural attribute borrowing can function as a tool to strengthen solidarity and cooperation among groups, rather than as a trigger for conflict.


Damariotimes Team

1 komentar untuk "The Dynamics of Ethnic Conflict: The Influence of Cultural Attribute Borrowing in Multicultural Societies"

  1. Konflik etnis memang punya banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi, dan artikel ini ngejelasin dengan jelas. Penting banget buat kita lebih memahami biar bisa menciptakan kehidupan yang lebih harmonis.
